First of all,unlike Gronwall Di Caprio is not at the top of my list even if I'm a heterosexual. I think he has the typical physiognomy which can attract teenagers (especially now that his face is becoming more and more roundish... sorry Gronwall).
In spite of this I believe he is a very talented and brilliant actor, so brilliant that Martin Scorsese recently seems very keen on having him in many of his movies. I really loved his interpretation of Arnie in What's eating Gilbert Grape by Lasse Hallstrom in 1993, it was simply moving.
About Shutter Island, my mother told me "You have to see it, it's your kind of movie".
"Is it Mum?"
"Yes, those strange movies you usually like and I don't"
"like what?"
"like I don't know, the ones you are into, monsters, ghosts,goblins, spirits, murderers, psychopaths, possessions, slaughters, graveyards, zombies,vampires, werewolves, poltergeists.... ".
"ok ok stop it...I think I understand now"
Shutter Island is not about monsters, but in a way it is.
The monsters I'm talking about are those produced by our minds, those that never die, those that repeatedly come back. Those monsters never leave us alone sometimes even when we sleep, even when we think they finally disappeared.
those monsters are connected with the Sleep of Reason that produces them.
I don't want this to be a spoiler so I won't say anything more about the plot. The movie reminded me a lot of Goya's etching El sueno de la Razon produce monstruos which I believe it to be a powerful iconic image of the unconscious.
Very brilliant performance of Mr Ben Kingsley.